Innovation Management and Behavioural Change
The overall aims of WP4 are to promote behavioural change within this new digital environment. We will do this by identifying how leaders can use digital information to make better, quicker decisions and how project team members can use data visualisation techniques and data mining to enhance knowledge sharing within teams and manage knowledge transfer between large, distributed teams within companies.
WP4 will provide methodologies to enhance the adoption of these technologies within Unilever and facilitate the radical change in organisation and process of innovation within the company which is required for this new digital workflow.
WP4.1 Steps to behavioural change: developing a road map (James, Lampel, Newman)
- Examination of the "as is" implementation of digital workflow techniques within Unilever and comparison with the state-of-the-art.
WP4.2. Promoting behavioural change in the innovation process (Allen, James, Mihailova)
- Design and implementation of a change management programme that supports the transition to the new digital environment through behaviour change among staff.
WP4.3. Strategic decision making in a digital environment (Mehandjiev, Newman)
- Development of new processes to harness the new digital workflow to help business leaders make better, quicker decisions on new product innovations.
WP4.4 Knowledge transfer (Malik, James, Newman, Mihailova)
- Examination of effective management of knowledge transfer between large, distributed teams within multinational companies.