Modelling of microscale rheology
The overall aims of WP1 are to develop a suite of multi-scale simulation techniques linking the micro-structure of complex fluids to their rheological behaviour in industrial scale processing.
The principal methods employed will be Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD). We will develop a series of continuum based approaches to describe laminar, transitional or turbulent flows in industrial equipment. These techniques will then be used to develop scale-up and scale-down rules for materials processing.
WP1.1 Development of Continuum approaches (Prosser, Fonte, Cates, Panesar, Watson, Kowalski)
- Population Balance Model
- Energy Transport Model
- Viscoelastic CFD model
WP1.2 DPD Particulate based modelling (Carbone, Masters, Rodgers, Warren)
- Validation of DPD models
- Development of viscoelastic DPD model
WP1.3 Integrating DPD with CFD via constitutive equations (Carbone, Masters, Cates, Warren)
- Quantify micelles growth, scission/recombination, surfactant intermicellar rates, branch-point formation free energy and mobility for the basic fluid and multicomponent mixtures